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Post by Grecian »

Afternoon from the other side of the pond (the uk of course). Being new around these here parts I thought I had better introduce myself.

Basically I am new to all this engineering lark, and start my HNC course in September, which I am excited about. This for me is a career change, from ambulance service dispatcher to marine engineer, something of a change I think you will agree.

So excuse me if I am a bit dim in the questions I ask in the future, we all have to start somewhere, and with me it will be with the stupid stuff :wink:
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Re: Hello!

Post by JK »

Welcome to the Forum and to quote one of the engineers I worked for, there are no stupid questions. If you knew the answer you wouldn't ask.
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Re: Hello!

Post by Big Pete »

Hi Grecian,

Welcome onboard.
As J.K. says, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Unfortunatly there are plenty of stupid people who DON'T ASK questions.
Where are you studying?
I started Phase 1 in Plymouth in 1971 and did all the rest in South Shields.

It is always better to ask a stupid question than to do a stupid thing.
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Post by The Dieselduck »

Welcome indeed. Any input you may have, no matter how silly you may feel it is, is probably going to be well received judging from this community past experience. And if you feel they may be too silly for the community at large, you can always send me a "PM" or an email.

Welcome to the journey,
Martin Leduc
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Re: Hello!

Post by Grecian »

Studying at City College Plymouth (Uni of Plymouth course though) cacking myself on the ground that I am apparently the only female on the course this year (also the oldest!) :shock:

And ta muchly all, believe me there will be stupid questions, I have blonde moments with the best of them :lol:
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Re: Hello!

Post by Big Pete »

Hi Grecian,

I believe Plymouth has changed since 1971-73 when I studied phase 1 there!!
We were in the old Residential Nautical College, Portland Square and used to drink in the James Street Vaults on the corner.
There were still old "spit & sawdust" Pubs down the Barbican, and the smaller pubs still had Plymouth Breweries Beer in wooden casks on the counter with brass taps in the bung holes, and a honky tonk pianist playing old tunes in the corner.
I remember we went on a beer strike when the price went up to 10 pence per pint, THAT WAS 2 SHILLINGS IN REAL MONEY!!

Now that really makes me feel old!

Good luck with the studying, and the social life, there are a few other females regularly using the site so you are not alone.
Keep asking the questions it is the only way to learn, if you get a hostile response it is probably because people don't know the answer and don't want to admit it!!

I would look at joining the Union, Nautilus International and the Marine Engineer technical body IMAREST so that you can get the Union newspaper and the Marine Engineers Review delivered to wherever you live.
Check out the Marine Society, and the Maritime Coastguard Agency, they all have web sites, and you can gain some useful background before you start studying, (if you haven't already).

Big Pete
It is always better to ask a stupid question than to do a stupid thing.
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Re: Hello!

Post by Grecian »

Big Pete.

Plymouth hasn't changed much :wink:

Being an Exeter lass I have to have a dig at Plymouth as much as possible :lol:

As for the union, I will look into that when I am a little way into the course, the IMAREST, membership is being sorted at present (my partner who is a marine and mechnical engineering officer for that Royal Navy lot, has offered to pay ;) )

As for the Marine Society, already sorted there, as a member of the Sea Cadets (Adult Petty Officer) membership comes with it and I have already benefited from them with their advice on courses and doing my GCSE Maths through them (retaking again!) I will look into the others as well :D I do regularlly look at the MCA pages, mostly because it's useful in my current job as we deal with them in the form of the HM Coastguard with the ambulance service.

Ta muchly!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Hello!

Post by Grecian »

Oh and as for the union thing....my dad being a 40 year member of the RMT he wants me to join the, however I do have quite a problem with Bob Crow so will look at all the options
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Re: Hello!

Post by Big Pete »

Hi Grecian,

you appear to be well organised, and prepared, the advantages of age and experience.

I would say about the Unions, RMT (Rail Maritime & Transport, formerly the National Union of seamen) caters for ratings, Nautilus (formerly the Merchant Navy and Airline Officers Association) caters for all Officers and Cadets, Deck, Engine, Electrical,Electronic, & Catering.
In these days of falling Seafarere numbers and union membership, they are both trying to be "all things to all men".
Basically, in my opinion, Nautilus is better geared to your future needs. In particular they have a network of legal advisors world wide and offer protection if you are criminalised or your certificate of competency is under threat.
Good luck.

Big Pete
It is always better to ask a stupid question than to do a stupid thing.
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Re: Hello!

Post by Grecian »

Yeah I did point out to my father that in my circumstances the RMT wouldn't represent my best interests as my career plan at the moment is towards the RFA or the wider Merchant Navy.

I did contact a good friend of my father (also a fellow football referee) who is the south west area rep for the RMT and spoke to him, he said himself that with my career plan the RMT possibly wasn't the best option. He also said that the RMT weren't particularlly good at representing the seafaring arm of it's membership and tended to concentrate too much on its Bus and Rail members. Something which I think here in the South West is a serious failing.

I always believe in having union representation, as a journalist I was a NUJ member, in the prison service (while a civilian member of staff) I was a member of the Prison Officers Association and now with the ambulance service a member of UNISON. To me union membership is never a waste of money. My POA rep was worth my subs in himself, he supported me well though my sickness after being bullied by another member of staff. THAT is where the union is important, the shop stewards on the ground. :D
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Re: Hello!

Post by JK »

Grecian wrote:Studying at City College Plymouth (Uni of Plymouth course though) cacking myself on the ground that I am apparently the only female on the course this year (also the oldest!) :shock:

And ta muchly all, believe me there will be stupid questions, I have blonde moments with the best of them :lol:

Being the only Lady on the course means you will also be the toughest participant on the course.

I prefer to think of blond moments more as a greyed haired moment, unfortunately mine are adding up (both the grey hair and moments).
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Re: Hello!

Post by Grecian »

JK wrote:
Grecian wrote:Studying at City College Plymouth (Uni of Plymouth course though) cacking myself on the ground that I am apparently the only female on the course this year (also the oldest!) :shock:

And ta muchly all, believe me there will be stupid questions, I have blonde moments with the best of them :lol:

Being the only Lady on the course means you will also be the toughest participant on the course.

I prefer to think of blond moments more as a greyed haired moment, unfortunately mine are adding up (both the grey hair and moments).
My partner has what I call 'Boris' moments (Boris Johnson, Mayor of London and total baffoon for those who may not know)where he just becomes a complete blithering wreck and forgets everything and goes off on some public schoolboy rant. Worryingly this man is in charge of the maintence of some of the warships in the Royal Navy.

as for being the only lass on the course. I can deal with that. I'm certinally not afraid to get stuck in, and I'm not your nails and hair type girl, which is possibly just as well.
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Re: Hello!

Post by JollyJack »

"Worryingly this man is in charge of the maintence of some of the warships in the Royal Navy. "

I wouldn't worry about that, in my 44 years of experience as a Marine Engineer, (ashore and afloat) I found that the Andrew doesn't know diddley about ships anyway :)
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Re: Hello!

Post by Grecian »

JollyJack: I do worry sometimes, this is a man who hates taking holidays 'because he gets bored', works all number of hours and still volunteers to help do engine work on a couple of the local lifeboats when the regular engineers arn't in.

And yet he can still have the funniest 'blonde' moments and have no common sense at all.

Heck if this job is going to turn me into that I have no chance!
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Re: Hello!

Post by JollyJack »

That link from "lovingthenet" takes you to a spam site BEWARE!
Discourage incest, ban country "music".
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