Category: Martin’s Blog Entries

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Transport Canada and Engineering CoC – A fine mess

Some engineer like myself have been putting off upgrading my Canadian Marine Engineering Certificate of Competency, my “CoC”, or “engineering license” / “ticket”, due to the fact the system had become cumbersome, and completely out of touch with reality. As signatory to the Standards of Training, Certification, Watchkeeping (STCW) convention of 1995, as amended in Manila, in 2010, Transport Canada...

TC issues brief statement on SSB fiasco

I reached out to Transport Canada Media Relations for a statement on the Ship Safety Bulletin situation. Namely, were the Marine Engineering Certificate of Competency issued under the Ship Safety Bulletin 05/2017, still valid? I also asked about timeline of new guidelines (SSB) being issued, and what resources were made available to address the backlog of applications. I received a...

Spreading the good word about Mari-Tech 2018

Mari Tech 2018 – Honing the leading edge Technical conference and Marine Exhibition Victoria Conference Center, Victoria, BC, Canada April 18-20, 2018 Its been a while since the West Coast of Canada has seen this annual gathering of marine professionals. Allot has happen since the last successful Mari Tech, hosted by Vancouver Island Branch of the Canadian Institute of Marine...