First introduction successful

Last night was a cool wet night in Victoria, but it was a warm welcome at the Canadian navy base where I gave a presentation on Blue Riband, which seems to have gone really well. I was a bit jittery about the whole thing, but the larger than normal crowd was quite receptive of these new concepts in Marine Engineering.

Thank you to those who made the evening quite interesting with a lively discussion.

For those of you not aware of what Blue Riband is, I will be doing another presentation, this time on April 11, 2012, at Maritech 2012 to be held at the Hampton Inn in Ottawa. I will make a presentation of this fictional entity that groups numerous new ideas into a functional business model. The presentation is called “Blue Riband – Revolutionizing Marine Engineering in Canada” and I will be on at 15:30 in the afternoon, Room 201.

I look forward to seeing you there, in the mean time you can learn more about this project from the website

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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