OETC phase out blowback makes an impression

I have a small tidbit of news on taxes.

Coming home the other day, at the Vancouver Airport, I ran into Jean Crowder, my local Member of the Canadian Federal Parliament (MP). She was on the same flight to Nanaimo as I was, so I introduced myself, and to my surprise, she remembered me from our previous meeting, almost four years earlier, regarding my “Taxes for Canadian Seafarers Project“.

After exchanging some pleasantries, I brought the tax thing again, and she proceeded to mentioned the extinguishing of the Overseas Employment Tax Credit (OETC) by the current Conservative government – read more. She mentioned that the federal NDP was opposing this move. She further stated her disbelief in the steamrolling of policy not aligned with Conservative goals, whatever those truly are.

I was happy to hear her comments on the OETC, in particular her expression that she was surprised at the number of foreign going seafarer in her electoral area, South Nanaimo – Cowichan. It was nice to hear that we had made our voice heard, and that we had a stronger than expected impact. Very encouraging – not that it matters to Harper’s Cons – but still encouraging.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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