Seafarer Factory

From World Maritime

The “Barista” over at the Marine Cafe blog has an interesting blog post, highlighting some observations of the “seafarer factory” known as the Philippines. Check it out. Some of the comments are insightful as well.

The Filipino seafaring community was rocked by the European Union questioning the quality and intensity of maritime training in the Philippines. The European Union’s EMSA has threatened to remove acceptance of STCW certification for Filipinos in European waters. A final decision of black listing the Philippines STCW certificate, due in June, following a Mach 2012 inspection, was deferred in early July, allowing the Filipinos – and their European employers – some wiggle room on this dire situation.

Wallace and Gromit

Coincidentally, Canada’s Foreign Minister, high profile Conservative party operative and “Wallace” look-alike, John Baird, was just in Manila, on a four day trade mission. The purpose of the visit in the Philippines, is scantly described in the Canadian foreign affairs website – jeez, there’s a surprise. The Philippines governments states…

” Since the year 2010, the DFA further said that the Philippines had
been Canada’s largest source of immigrants and temporary workers, with
more than 842,741 Filipinos living in Canada. It said that the Filipinos
comprised of a mixture of former Filipinos who have acquired Canadian
citizenship, permanent migrants, live-in caregivers, nurses and other
professional and skilled workers.
In 2011, remittances from Filipinos in Canada amounted to $2.07 billion or 10.3% of total remittances for the year, it added. “

You can watch a promo video of the visit here.

PS. Please Mr Harper, don’t send me to Guantanamo Bay, it was just a joke, Baird always reminds me of Wallace, of Wallace and Gromit

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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