TSB 2.0

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada
(TSB) has recently unveiled a much more elaborate web presence and
communication strategy. Over the last decade, they appeared to have taken a low
profile. In 2013, it is now fully embracing web 2.0, and the TSB is opening
itself up like never before. The new website is visually stimulating, and
navigating is easy and straightforward; a novel concept for typical
government websites. It offers information about the latest occurrences and
reports on various accidents in the various modes of transport it investigates
– Pipeline, Air, Marine, Rail.

On the home page, there is a headlines and reports
section; easy links to “report an accident”, and their priority issues, along
with the usual housekeeping stuff. In expanding their message’s reach they also
have a Twitter feed on the home page, announcing
latest news and dispatches.
From the main homepage, you can visit the
individual areas of focus for the TSB, including the Marine Area.
In this area, you will find their watch list issues – Safety Management System,
and fishing boat fatalities and how they are focusing on them. You will also
find the latest marine accident report, ongoing investigation, statistics, and
their recommendations resulting from the various accidents.
I have always admired TSB’s marine
investigation reports because they appear to be truly focused on finding root
causes, and then asking why. Many investigations around the world seem solely
focused on finding a quick culprit, hopefully one person, and then
simplistically feeding that person to the wolves, despite their mandate not to
do exactly that.
Also new, is the TSB Recorder – their new
blog – using plain speak to communicate their work and findings. On the Blog
you’ll find an interactive map of Canada with recent occurrences and
linking them to their Flicker Page, displaying photos of various accidents and
the investigation process. One of the recent entries on the TSB Recorder is
about the investigatory challenges, during the Sedna Desgagnes grounding at the Prescott Bridge, on the St Lawrence River.
The TSB also has a YouTube channel
for the video-philes out there; featuring many computerize recreation of various
accidents and supporting multimedia. The TSB’s Flickr account features accident pictures from the various accidents it investigates. One of the
latest uploads being the Cape
Apricot, which ran into
Deltaport Terminal pier, in late December.
If you have not been in a while, which I
would not have blamed you in the past, I would highly recommend you drop by
now. The website is well designed and appears to have a genuine want to
communicate effectively, which is a refreshing idea for the federal government.
Congratulations TSB; keep up the good work. Of course, it is available in both
official languages, and you can find it the main site from www.tsb.gc.ca.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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