Regular Sex

NYC: March 2003

As it turns out, my latest hitch aboard another old tug, has
taken me clear across the country, to Newfoundland. Unfortunately, as many in
Eastern North America have experienced, the weather is brutal, and not conducive
to many maritime operations. 

With no civilization nearby, and with no other
entertainment options, we’ve been passing the time watching quite a few movies,
now well into my “second choice” library, which seem to include a large number
of “prison” movies; such as the one mentioned in my previous post.

All these prison movies have got us talking about prison
life. Just the other day we were talking about isolation and comparing the size
of our cells, huh, cabins, onboard this 1948 built tug. As it turns out, my
cabin measures 6 feet by 5, while the deck guy’s is 5 feet by 4 and half feet. 
I understand a prison cell is 6 feet by 9 feet, with its own sink and toilet –
can you imagine, what a dream! And those are in the US, think of the prison
cells in Norway, or Sweden, wow, those would be so awesome to have.

We have a small bathroom for all of us, with the floor space
probably around 6 square feet. Throw in additional challenges like no internet,
working tv signal, or cell phone signal, limited food, a Detroit Diesel
generator about 6 feet from my pillow. And all of it, in a Transport Canada
approved secured port facility, meaning no easy access off the vessel.

NFLD: February 2014
Oh, did I mention that my computer crapped out due to the
numerous leaks from the poorly insulated boat, raining on my laptop keyboard,
shorting it out. Ultimately one has to have a good sense of humour to be a
seafarer these days.

I once worked on a dive support vessel doing a gas pipeline
in New York City, at the time the condition aboard were similar to those I am
experiencing  these days. Of course the
topic of conversation was also similar.

Once, we were off Rikers Island, New York City’s
infamous prison, where we could observe inside the prison, the inmates watching
TV. Soon, one diver started making comparison to life aboard a ship and that in
prison – better sleep… cable TV… hot food… little chance of drowning… warmth. 

Someone in the back of the galley piped up… and regular sex.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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