What’s keeping you?

What a hectic few weeks. Got home to BC, from a blizzardy Newfoundland, looks like that it still pretty blizzardy over there. Needless to say I more than happy having to decide whether I should mow my lawn today, or tomorrow. Been busy with quite a few projects; taxes, failed computers / Windows 8, construction project, so on and so forth…

One of the project taking allot of my time these days is Marine Engineering : The New Wave. My duty as a volunteer organizer, is to spread the word about this great project, mainly through the website www.thenewwave.ca.

Actually things are really picking up. Since the 1990’s, I’ve been involve in quite a few conference by the CIMarE, and, I am always worried about the pace of development – so fellow organizers tell me. But apparently this conference, and it’s planning is well on schedule.

VicShip’s GM Malcom Barker
will be MC

We’ve been fortunate to have a great group of sponsors sign on quite early – Seaspan and ShipConstructor maker SSI being Gold Sponsors, with Point Hope, DSA, UVic and the Canada Welding Bureau taking Bronze Level sponsorships stakes, with Tecsol and SNC Lavallin also providing Sponsorship. BC Shipping News, Western Mariner and of course Martin’s Marine Engineering Page have been great Media Sponsors.

The exhibitors are also coming in now, DSA, AXYS, and Belzona being the very early birds! I think any exhibitor will really get a great benefits package by participating, especially their online presence will be superb, if I do say so myself! The site is already ranking high on Google, and having your firm exposed on it, is nearly worth the cost of the exhibition space by itself.

We also had a great deal of really interesting papers submitted, and I am hoping we will be able to release news on the presentations shortly. The conference topic is broad in ocean technology but what’s amazing, is how the “new fields” like ocean renewable energy dovetails with “traditional” entities of the marine industry.

We also nailed down the evening social, to be held at the BC Maritime Museum in Victoria BC. We’ve got a nice socializing opportunity, with scrumptious foods, in a great maritime setting, all lined up.

The project is taking allot of my time, but its always gratifying to be involved. The submission deadline for presentation abstracts is today. I am anxious to release the presentation lineup as it will be of interest to many in the industry, and I hope to see you there as a delegate.

Find out more, www.thenewwave.ca. Marine Engineering – The New Wave; a technical conference and exhibition for marine professionals, Victoria, BC, Canada, June 2014.

Victoria’s Delta Resort will be the Conference and Exhibition venue

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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