Happenings on MMEP

Special and big thank you to:

I wholeheartedly express my gratitude to DK and JD for a very generous financial gift, in recognition of the what the website represent for them as professionals. I was very surprised and very moved by the the complete randomness of the gift. Men, who predominately make up our profession, are shall we say, frugal… with financial or emotional support. I know the website helps people, and that has always been good enough for me. But to receive this gift, was very moving for me personally, so I thank you JD and DK from the bottom of my heart. Their donation pays the hosting bill for this website for a few years, and was a relay shot in the arm for my confidence!

Incidentally, Did You Know – over the course of the last 1000 days Martin’s Marine Engineering Page dieselduck.net served up nearly 20 million web pages, with over 48 million hits, and nearly 4.2 terabytes of traffic! I am blown away by those figure, all that from a little laptop on a bouncy ship at sea.

Whats new:

Martin’s Marine Engineering Page is teaming up with Jon Russel Team, and Udemy, to bring you online educational courses related to Marine Engineering. Have a look, I think they are great, accessible and reasonably priced.


Online Technical Courses for Marine Engineers from saVRee
Diesel Engine Fundamentals (Part 1) Try it free! All saVRee Video Courses For 3 Months
Diesel Engine Fundamentals (Part 2) All saVRee Video Courses For 6 Months
Introduction to Centrifugal Pumps Try it free! All saVRee Video Courses For 12 Months
Introduction to Valves Try it free! 12 Month Student Discount
Introduction to Heat Exchangers  
Introduction to Cooling Towers Try it free!  
Introduction to Batteries Try it free!  
Introduction to Electrical Transformers Try it free!  

Send me your feedback !

On a personal note:

Things have been a bit quiet on www.dieselduck.net these last months, as I have been dealing with a serious life event, shall we say. I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus, actually, make that a fleet of buses, but I will be recovering. It’s going to take a while though, as I rearrange my life around.

In the meantime, I extend my warmest wishes of the holiday season to you and your families, especially those at sea who toil without much for recognition. This job is more than a career, it is a very taxing lifestyles on so many levels, full of excitement, terror, and joy and all wrapped up into one. I sincerely hope that you are able to find peace on the ship, at home and in your life.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

2 Responses

  1. Congrats on an incredible achievement of 1000 days and counting! I have been a follower/lurker for a long while and make my customary daily visit, even though I am not a part of the maritime community no more. Your blogs/forums can be addictive. I hope you are able to recover soon and good luck in all your new ventures.

    • Really appreciate your feedback. Thanks for dropping by.

      The server statistics are 1000 days old, but this project has actually been around since 1999, or about six months from being 20 years old.

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