Navy Buying Small Armed Craft For Port Security

The navy is buying a dozen 9.3-metre-long aluminum boats to conduct 24-hour port security patrols around warships anchored or docked in Halifax and Esquimalt, B.C., according to a Chronicle Herald report. Experts believe the purchase is aimed at preventing terrorist attacks similar to the October 2000 incident when two al-Qaeda suicide bombers brought a small boat alongside the USS Cole as it refueled in Yemen. They detonated explosives hidden in the boat, killing themselves and 17 sailors, and blasting a huge hole in the American destroyer’s hull. The new security boats will act as a “backstop” against terrorist attacks, and will likely carry .50-calibre machine-guns, according to the report. The navy has yet to provide price data for the boats, and is also in the process of spending $240,000 to add more closed-circuit television systems to CFB Halifax. In addition, plans are underway to acquire a low-light video camera system for ships to use at home or when they visit other ports. Source: Chronicle Herald

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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