World’s largest shipyard in the works

Daehan plotting world’s biggest yard Mega-yard under construction would leapfrog three Korean rivals in global size rankings, writes Mike Grinter 12 February 2007 Lloyds List

SOUTH Korean yard Daehan Shipbuilding is making its claim to greatness with the news that it is building a mega-shipyard.

It has recently emerged that Daehan Shipyard has been in the process of constructing what might become the world’s largest shipyard in Haenam, South Jeolla province, which lies on the southern tip of South Korea. Daehan Shipyard, established in 2004 when mid-size yard Sinyeong Shipbuilding Yard was bought by Daehan parent Daeju Group, said last week that it is constructing a shipbuilding complex on 4,628 acres in Haenam.

With completion slated for 2012, Daehan claims the complex would have South Korea’s largest shipbuilding capacity.

Construction of the first dock in the 735 acre shipyard has already begun and when completed will measure 310 m long and 72 m wide, which the company claims will be larger than that at Hyundai Heavy industries, currently the largest shipbuilding facility in South Korea.

Work on the second and third docks will start late next year.

The complex will also include a parts factory as well as marine plant production facilities, according to the company.

Daehan Shipbuilding claims that the new yard, when completed, will have a capacity of 4.2m cgt and will thus will be bigger than Hyundai Heavy, Samsung Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, the three largest yards in the world, which produce 2.7m, 2.25m and 1.7m cgt respectively.

Park Jae-young, vice chairman of the shipbuilding business division of Daeju Group, said: “At the initial stage of operation, we will focus on obtaining orders for bulk carriers and small and medium-sized container vessels to distinguish ourselves from rivals.”

He added: “’We will gradually turn to high value-added ships, such as bigger container ships and liquefied natural gas carriers.”

Daehan Shipbuilding is targeting Won4.3trn ($4.6bn) in annual sales in 2012, according to Mr Park.

The company also says it will create 60,000 new jobs in the region.

Check out the yards website, kinda cool tour available.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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