IMO2020 guidance from SSA

Document aims to augment Singapore shipping industry’s readiness to meet IMO’s 2020 cap on sulphur oxides emissions from ships

The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA)—the industry voice of Singapore’s maritime community—today issued the “IMO Sulphur Cap 2020 Readiness Plan” for Singapore’s shipping community.

The document provides an overview of the key requirements of the IMO 2020 global sulphur cap, outlines the major preparatory milestones in the lead up to January 2020, and presents key compliance measures.

“The Singapore Shipping Association has been conducting a series of dialogues, workshops, and seminars to help the maritime community in Singapore anticipate and prepare for changes stemming from the IMO 2020 cap on sulphur oxides emissions from ships. The readiness plan has been designed as a handy tip sheet that presents the key information in an accessible and practical way tailored to the shipping community. SSA will continue to work with partners and regulators to prepare the industry for these and other policy changes from IMO,” said Ms. Caroline Yang, President of SSA.

The IMO Sulphur Cap 2020 Readiness Plan is available for download online.

About the Singapore Shipping Association

The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) represents a wide spectrum of shipping companies and other businesses allied to the shipping industry. It is a national trade association formed in 1985 to serve and promote the interests of its members and to enhance the competitiveness of Singapore as an International Maritime Centre.

To achieve its objectives, the SSA engages and collaborates with the shipping industry key stakeholders and is a trusted advisor and partner to related government agencies. SSA is also actively involved in promoting the interests of shipping in Singapore and internationally. The SSA has been appointed executive seats, and co-operates with other regional and international shipping organisations to protect the marine environment and promote freedom and safety at sea. Despite being a not-for-profit organisation, SSA strives to give back generously on behalf of its members, to the community in Corporate Social Responsibilities activities.

Currently, the SSA represents over 460 member companies; comprising ship owners and operators, ship managers, ship agents and other ancillary companies such as shipbrokers, classification societies, marine insurers, bunker suppliers, maritime lawyers, and shipping bankers amongst others.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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