Fond memories of Doxford

In an email from South Africa, John Scofield sent this in, after visiting the Doxford Opposed Piston section of the website.

“ I was third mate of the KosmosV, a whale factory ship, in the early 70s by which time she had been renamed Suiderkruis, and just as l left, L’interpeche.

Built in 1948, at Tyneside, it was an absolute delight to be in engine room at sea, with those two four legged beasties in full cry. Made me wonder what the hell l was doing on deck. And, think of MacAndrew, listening to his homeward-bound engineers, cranking up the revs!

There is a lovely model a Doxford engine, coin operated, in the seaman’s mission in Hong Kong. Made, if memory serves, by apprentices in a local yard, during the war.

Going back to sea for my last stint shortly. Born same year as this ship! 🙁 “

Thanks John, hope your last trip was smooth, and you have found your land legs. For those of you also fond of Doxford engines, the large opposed piston propulsion engine, mainly built in Britain, you can find more information and history over on the Doxford area of the website.

KosmosV, a whale factory ship, in the early 70s by which time she had been renamed Suiderkruis

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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