MT18 breaks records!



It is with great pride that we extend a great big thank you to all our participant, for a very successful Mari-Tech 2018 Technical Conference and Marine Exhibition, this past April in Victoria, BC.

By all metrics, the conference was a great success, and we thank our sponsors, in particular, our MT18 Platinum Level Sponsor, Babcock, which was an early and substantial participant. Wartsila and BC Ferries, our Gold Level Sponsors were significant contributor on many fronts as well; from presentations, exhibitor and with considerable personnel attending – thank you.

We extend our Bronze Level Sponsors, Schneider, Ocean Pacific, Point Hope Maritime, ABB and Frontier Power Products our sincere appreciations. We are indebted to our media sponsor who allowed so many of you to learn about this great maritime event in Canada: Western Mariner Magazine, BC Shipping, Martin’s Marine Engineering Page –, and Professional Mariner Magazine.

The organizing committee is very pleased to announce a record attendance for a Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering event, with almost 500 attendees. The exhibition was well attended, and filled to capacity. We are especially grateful to Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to have, for a second year in a row, participated in this great event. Attendees were treated to a depth of information and presentations that was a win, win, and win scenario for all.

We are grateful to our Technical Presenters, offering leading edge presentations on numerous topics from renewable resources, LNG use and adaptation, emissions rules, to internet of things circuit breakers, and many more topics. We are especially grateful to our Key note speakers, Mark Collins and Robb Wight, who gave insightful an informative presentations.

We are of course very grateful for the early and fast involvement of our exhibitors, who brought great attitudes and even better solutions. Thank you. If you missed an exhibitor, or want to get a hold of the person you spoke with, fear not, the Exhibitor Page has their contact information listed there.

Our Master of Ceremonies, RAdm Richard Greenwood kept us all in line, with expediency and military precision, keeping the conference focused and well running; thank you.

The volunteer (or “voluntold”, in certain cases) MT18 Organizing Committee from the Vancouver Island Branch of the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering started planning this conference back in October 2016, meeting regularly at least once a month for one to three hours each time, and exchanged over 1900 emails. Although we as a group, are somewhat well verse in these intense projects, we were abundantly grateful for the professional services of Pam Prewett, and her team at Podium Conference, and the staff at the Victoria Conference Center. We also extend our thanks to CIMarE National Administrator, Lauren Solar.

The organizing committee was comprised of :

  • Chair – Sam Johnson
  • Technical Papers Chair – Bill Wallace, Michael Weaver
  • Sponsorship Coordinator – Alicja Rudzki
  • Exhibitor Coordinator – Tony Cond, Hunter Macdonald
  • Facilities Coordinator – Bert Blattmann
  • Promotion Coordinator – Phil Dauphinee
  • Treasurer – Edward Camilleri
  • Website Coordinator – Martin Leduc
  • Member at Large – Ryan Nicoll

In case you missed some of the presentations, we have uploaded most of the visual aids used (power points) to the individual speaker’s profile page, you may download their presentation from there. We have also uploaded some pictures from the three day conference on the photo page, although we were not able to catch all the action.

Mari-Tech 2019 Technical Conference and Marine Exhibition with the theme : Full Speed Ahead: Firing on all Cylinders, will be held in Ottawa, April 23, 24, and 25, 2019. It is presented as a joint collaboration between the CIMarE’s Ottawa Branch and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Eastern Canada Section.

For more information, visit their website: , you can also follow them on Twitter @MariTechConf

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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