The Monitor gets an extensive refit

Screenshot of The Monitor, March 2016
Screenshot of The Monitor, March 2016

It may have seen like I abandon the blog portion of my website, as it was neglected for the past year, the reasons are numerous – family demands, health concerns, tough work environment, but probably a fair bit of burn out was involved. The blog area – The Monitor, online since late 2005, explores the business of being a seafarer. In Feb 2016 there was over 600 blog entries made, so looking back on it, I can see why I was a bit burnt out.

Squeezed in between the ever growing demands of work and family, it was always my vision to bring the blog area under the one website umbrella. The previous host of the blog, Google’s Blogger service, has served me well, but I wanted to add a few new things and a little “pizzaz” that was not previously available.

I have now relaunched the blog as part of the main website, The Monitor has a new look and feel, but remains easy to navigate, timely and informative – its main objectives. All of the past blog entries have been migrated, and apart from some minor formatting issues, are presented in their original form.

Screenshot of The Monitor, Oct 2015
Screenshot of The Monitor, Oct 2015

In addition to my blog posts, I am also starting to post industry news and press releases on The Monitor. Some other media sources are full of these “advertorials”, and can sometimes be a bit overwhelming and tedious. On The Monitor, they will be clearly identified as such, and focused on Marine Engineering matters in the commercial marine industry, hopefully respecting your time, and be more interesting knowing this.

If you have comments about the new Monitor, feel free to send them to me. If you have interesting marine industry news, or press release to send me for consideration, put me on your mailing list at [email protected].

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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