Technical program released by The New Wave

Tee New Wave Organizing Committee

The Vancouver Island Branch of the Canadian Institute of Marine
Engineering is hosting “Marine Engineering: The New Wave“, a technical
conference and exhibition for Marine Professionals. The conference will
take place June 12 and 13, 2014 at the Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe
Resort and Spa. The two-day event will feature guest speakers, relevant
technical presentations, a trade exhibition, an evening social event and
various networking opportunities.

The conference aims to present
cutting-edge developments in the marine, industry, from ship design,
repair, construction and operations, to oceanography and marine
renewable energy. The schedule each day will be made up of four
sessions, two of which will focus on Marine Operations. The other two
sessions will explore Marine Design and Ocean Technology.

is a diverse range of topics that will be presented in the Marine
Operations Sessions. Presenters from BC Ferries will discuss the process
for the adoption of Liquefied Natural Gas technology into the BC
Ferries fleet including the technical requirements, business case and
the regulatory issues. The Defence Research and Development Centre
[DRDC] Atlantic will give a presentation on the simulation naval
platform dynamics and the affect on human and equipment safety as it
relates to performing a mission. The results of these simulations are
applicable to any platform at sea not just naval platforms.

analysis carried out by the Maritime State University of Vladivostok
will be presented regarding the seaworthiness of ships in freezing seas.
Generating energy from the oceans and rivers has become a significant
area of research and innovation. Marine Renewables Canada will focus on
marine renewable energy on the West Coast of Canada, specifically, what
project opportunities are emerging and how the supply chain can
contribute and benefit.

Investigations using high fidelity
computer simulations are being used to predict the performance of wave
energy conversion technology will be presented by the West Coast Wave
Initiative based at the University of Victoria. The Oregon Wave Energy
Trust will highlight the developments of the wave energy sector in
Oregon and the United States. Robotically controlled underwater devices
are increasingly used in marine industries. Separate presentations will
be given on underwater robotic logging and seafloor robotic mining.

from DRDC is a presentation on the development of a docking strategy
for recovering an ROV with a submarine through virtual prototyping.
Another presentation will examine how adaptive learning techniques can
be used to develop vessel and equipment specific
training for fleets.

few examples from the Marine Design Sessions are as follows: Speakers
from the University of Victoria’s Department of Mechanical Engineering
will give a presentation concerning the development of an integrated
design and analysis platform for hybrid-electric ship propulsion taking
into account the dynamics between powerplant, drivetrain and ship
hydrodynamics. The presentation will detail UVic’s Green Ship and Hybrid
Power Systems research.

Bart Stockdill, representing Robert
Allan Ltd.,will discuss how computational fluid dynamics can be used as
an effective alternative to costly and time-consuming scale model
testing to evaluate the performance of tugboats and other workboats in
the design process. The Corvus Energy presentation will cover advances
in hybrid and full electric propulsion for passenger ferries that
achieve huge fuel savings. A speaker from the National Marine
Electronics Association will discuss digital electronic standards for
communication between marine equipment in terms of simplifying wiring
aboard ships.

The Ocean Technology Sessions will feature
presentations focusing on how new technologies will help solve problems
currently affecting marine industries. One such presentation from AML
Oceanographic will describe how low-power LED-based ultra-violet light
sources can be used to control biofouling on a Marine Engineering – The
New Wave The West Coast’s Newest wide range of oceanographic equipment.

is essential for the future of humans that the oceans continue to be a
significant source of food. Vancouver Island University will give a
presentation on the Blue Revolution, which is adapting advanced
engineering to create sustainable shellfish aquaculture systems.

special area at the conference will be set aside for a poster display
of projects by students at post-secondary marine engineering, science
and technology colleges and universities.


More details

the most up to date information regarding the schedule, presentations
not mentioned here and all information regarding the conference please
refer to the website


block of 50 rooms is reserved for conference attendees, however you
must book by May 12th, 2014 to access the special pricing. Please
contact the hotel reservation line to check availability, call
1-800-667-4677, and mention the conference name, “The New Wave“.

Please view the “Program” tab at for full details, times, and abstracts of the presentations.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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