Missing link(s)

Another day in Newfoundland, another blizzard

Yes, I am back online, after a brief one week stint at home,
from a salvage job in Ontario back in early January, I’ve been dispatched clear
across the country, to Newfoundland. The first time I’ve spent any time

Designated onboard smoking area

in this
far flung place, unfortunately, the near constant blizzards and remoteness of
the dock has meant little sightseeing. The boat is really old and leaks, water
was dripping from the deck head, and onto my laptop frying the keyboard.

Then to make matters worse, the vessel’s superintendent has “forbidden”
us to use the “Rocket Stick”, our cell link to the internet- my only link to
the outside world – too expensive. I guess he’s trying to pad his bonus.
Despite all these challenges, I was able to order a new keyboard from Amazon.

Keyboard damage culprit identified

The new keyboard, amazingly, did make it to the security shack
of the port, and fit perfectly in my laptop. But in continuing with my bad luck,
turns out, some of the keys do not work, due to a manufacturer defect. I got my
money back, but given my current situation, it’s been frustrating to get any
blog post out.

So after three weeks here, I have been able to
engineer some “work arounds” to my problems, and hopefully I am able to offer
some interesting insight.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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