Wanted: Passion, experiences, discoveries

Marine Engineering – The New Wave is looking for you: the sparkle in your company’s portfolio, the passionate debater, the champion of maritime matters, the creator of ships, the whiz of solutions, the grand visionary, the energy innovators… Yes, The New Wave wants you all!

Technical Conference and Marine Exhibition

The New Wave is a technical conference and exhibition occurring June 2014, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Western Canada is in the initial stages of a massive surge of activity and renewal in the marine industry. From shipbuilding, design, repairs, to training and emerging renewable energy market, things are happening in the Pacific Northwest, and we would like to you to be involved, at the “ground floor”.

The conference is hosted by the experienced, not for profit, Vancouver Island Branch of the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering; a passionate group, committed to professional development. They would like you to come, and share your marine passion, as presenter or speaker, at the conference. Mr. Malcolm Barker, Vice President and General Manager of Seaspan’s Victoria Shipyard, will be the Master of Ceremonies.

The Vancouver Island Branch has held numerous conferences over the last 15 years, and is excited to have a solid foundation ready for another successful conference, featuring technical presentations, a marine exhibition, and ample opportunity for networking.

We would like you to present your latest development, ideas, and vision with peers. Please submit your expression of interest to participate as a speaker / presenter, by February 26th, 2014, by email to [email protected].

The official website can be found at www.thenewwave.ca, specific details on how to participate as a presenter may be found here.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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