Back on dry land

Sailor’s Xmas

Had all the intentions of doing a quick follow up blog entry, but internet was incredibly spotty on our way to Duluth and going back to Nanticoke; must have been all the iron ore in the cargo holds. Well, I am back home in BC now, getting re-acquainted with the family. Taking down Christmas lights and decoration; I put them up a day or two before I left at the beginning of December, and just took them down yesterday. Probably the longest time I’ve ever had them up, yet only saw them about a total of five days. Ahhhhh, life at sea. Barely stepped ashore during the full six weeks aboard, felt a bit isolated. On the plus side, missed most of the flu.

I did manage to update the main website, and uploaded it a few days ago, which I hope you will enjoy. Many new reports and articles. Including an original and lengthy one on upgrading a certificate of competency in Canada, and why its so very challenging. I will make another blog post on this later.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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