“Ship porn” finds new home

Last week, I officially launched Seafarer Media (www.seafarermedia.com), a stand-alone website, with numerous picture galleries featuring ships; all sorts, in all types of predicaments. The galleries are easy to navigate and feature rating and comment
features. They can be viewed by visitor using multiple metrics – such as
most recent, most popular, tags, and so on – overall very neat.

Spinning off this large part of the newly refitted main website of Martin’s Marine Engineering Page will allow an easier management of the content, both the main website and the galleries themselves. It was a sizable project to undertake, but ultimately will make it easier to manage and upload more content.

Maritime pictures on

On this new website you will find my own work, and collections on weather, people, engine room, and various ships. There is also a “Submitted by Peers” gallery which is separated into additional galleries. Over 2500 pictures in all, are hosted there now – with more ready to go in.

I am still maintaining the “Picture Area” on the main website, but this area will feature photo essays and articles based on maritime pictures, as opposed to just straight picture galleries.

Please accept my invitation to drop by and visit.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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