Sharing wisdom

If you are a Marine Engineer looking for a little advice, there are options for you. Of course the whole idea behind the main site of Martin’s Marine Engineering Page – – or The Common Rail (our forum area) is to educate and assist budding professionals excel.

Sometimes though, its nice to connect with a peer who can offer personal guidance from their experiences and offer insight to improve one’s perspective. This is what mentoring is all about.

If you are interested in this concept, there is a new avenue to explore. Murray from Marine  Learning Systems, has built a community website called Maritime Mentoring Community, and it serves as a hub to facilitate Mentors and Protege to connect. You will find many Mentors already registered, working in a variety of maritime related disciplines, ready to offer their time and wisdom primarily for your benefit. Why not try it out.

On the site you can find additional help and resources on what Mentoring is, and how you may benefit from it. You can find the project at

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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