News “deja vu”

Sorel Tracy on the St Lawrence

We finally made it down to our anchorage off of Sorel-Tracy, just east of Montreal. Unfortunately, we did not have internet access, much to my chagrin. I resorted to going on small boat rides, frequently pestering the locals, to get my connected fix for the day. As it turns out, the only coffee shop in town closes at 5 pm, a serious criminal offence in BC I might add. I was “forced” to go to the local pub for access. Unfortunately, I did not get to to do my usual blog and website updates as other matters came up. 

Now, I am finally back home, and somewhat settled into the home life; thinking I should really do a post. Well, what to talk about… let see what the interwebs have to offer; BC Ferries facing more criticism as one of their ships is pulled from service on one of the busiest days for them, due to various mechanical problems, which seem to creep up by the hour. Another MSC ship is in trouble; this time an on board explosion and taking on water, off San Juan. Still nothing new to report from the Costa Concordia investigation; but salvage is set to get underway shortly.

The news are like “deja vu”; perhaps its groundhog day? Really, it must be reporter’s day off since the above is as constant as the tides!

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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