New regs take effect

I was just thumbing through the new IMO news magazine, noticing some upcoming changes in taking affect after recent ratification, that may affect you at work.

One is the new North American Emission Control Area (ECA) coming into force, under amendments of Marpol. The new regulations affect…

“…emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter from ships will be subject to more stringent controls than the limits that apply globally, entered into force on 1 August 2011. The ECA will take effect 12 months after the amendments enter into force, thereby taking effect on 1 August 2012.”

Yup, North America’s ECA joins the currently established ECAs in the Baltic, and in the North Seas. An additional ECA zone in the Caribbean Sea, will take affect January 1, 2013. Better stay in compliance.

In other new regulation news, regulators keep tightening the noose around the wild wild west of seafaring, fishermen. A new set of regulation affecting training and certification of fishers will come into force Sept 29, 2012. The regulation known as STCW-F 1995 affects fishing vessel over 24 meters and stipulate for the first time, standards for crewing. Canada has ratified this convention, and for the most, I believe requirements are already established in our licensing system.

These new regulations, will try to stem the massive loss of life by fishermen, which IMO estimates at 24,000 lives annually; yes, 24,000 lives annually. That is a pretty major problem.

Having briefly worked on large fishing vessels, its no surprise this occurs to fishermen, they are a wild bunch in a very dangerous job. So quit, or redirect, your complaining when paying for that can of sockeye; the majority of the cost to the consumers, end up in the traders’ and other middle mens’ pocket, working comfortably in nice, air conditioned offices. 

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

1 Response

  1. I believe I was mistaken in saying that Transport Canada was prepared for this.

    I have it from sources that TC was caught off guard by how fast STCW-F was adopted by the international community, and is now scrambling to adjust regs and requirements to meet implementation deadline.

    Bottom line, if you work on a large Canadian fishing vessel, be prepared for some upcoming changes to the way you are able to work or manage your vessel.

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