Free admission to marine engineering exhibitors at Maritech

Just came back from Victoria, taking a break from my husband and father duties while on my days off the ship. I am attempting to complete laying new flooring in our little house, easy enough to do, but you have to budget a considerable amount of time chasing the piece and tools from the three little helpers. ehehehe, its a whole different story.

The bulk of my “work brain time” has been dedicated to the organizing committee of the Maritech conference. In our weekly Victoria meeting today, the committee learned that the conference is nearly sold out and pretty much all the major details are sorted out. So thats a great development. There is always worry, for unknown reasons, that things may not work out, but it looks like it’s going to be a very popular and exciting event.

We are opening the exhibition space to all maritime related visitors, free of charge. So please take advantage of this offer, and come visit the exhibition space of the Maritech 2011, marine engineering conference in Victoria, late next week. You wont be able to see the technical papers being presented, or attend the various catered meals but hey, there is no better way to connect to the movers and shakers in industry than at these events.

Hope to see you then. …and oh yeah. Go Canucks, GO !

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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