20/20 is MariTech 2011’s vision

The Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) is the only professional organization in Canada, dedicated to Marine Engineering excellence at sea, in the design office, at the shipyard and in so many other aspects of the profession. This “not for profit”, fully democratic, national entity has branches across Canada, which serve as meeting points for branch members, and guest, interested in Marine Engineering.

Each year, the CIMarE holds a technical conference called MariTech. This year’s Maritech is hosted by the Vancouver Island Branch of the CIMarE and is entitled 20/20 Looking to the future – A vision of Canada’s Marine Industry in the year 2020. These conference are very well attended by a swath of industry movers and shakers, and this year event promises to be no different.

The Vancouver Island Branch is a progressive and seasoned veteran of hosting these types of conference, and is well honed in providing a top notch professional experience at an accessible price. The organizing committee has chosen the well appointed Delta Ocean Point Resort (pictured below), on the shore of downtown Victoria’s inner harbour, to serve as the backdrop for this professional event.

The event will span two days, May 5th and 6th, 2010, in picturesque Victoria, British Columbia, on Canada’s west coast, near Seattle and Vancouver. You can find out more about the Maritech 2011 conference – 20/20 looking to the future, by visiting the official website, their Facebook page, or the Linked In page. You can also download the brochure here. You can find out more about the CIMarE here.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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