Another Year Gone ?

Here we are again, another year on it’s last legs and Christmas Day only two days away.

Last week I made an emergency stop at my garage with my truck running only on the battery as the alternator had packed it in.
Of course, one week before Christmas, we all know what the bank account is like and I was a bit upset. Jim, the shop manager drove me into work and he started off the trip by telling me about one of his other regular customers who had been in the week before. This gentleman worked at a alcohol and drug rehab and Jim asked him if they were busy. He told him no, that this time of year they mainly are dealing with suicides.
A wise man, Jim is, without another word, he reminded me how lucky I am. Even with the nasty days at work wondering what job I’m going to have next week and dealing with the deaths of some good friends and the everyday issues we all have, on Christmas Eve, I will be loading up the truck with gifts and my German Shepard and heading to New Brunswick to spend Christmas with my family. It will be loud, people will be in and out all day and I will spend my time huddled by the wood stove because it will be undoubtedly cold in that 200 year old house, but I’ll be home.
My best wishes go out to those at sea during this time of year and away from their families. Even with the modern communications it still is a lonely time for these seafarers.

Merry Christmas to my friends and I hope that next year will bring them better times and fortunes.

As for my truck, it was a credit card charge that was too close to the $600 mark for my liking. Turned out the battery was shot as well.
But hey, the night before I had been on the highway in a snowstorm towing a horse trailer… could have been worse, right?

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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