Surprise on the helideck

I sure hope that is not the type of helicopter that shows up when you head up to the helideck, ready to sign off the rig, or god forbid, need a rescue! I am not sure how this pictogram was conceived, but it is obviously a bit off the mark when it comes to accuracy. The picture appears to me to be of an American Cobra attack helicopter; might be good to see if you are under attack from pirates though.

That pictogram is from J&D Ship Services, advertiser on ShipServe network. While going through their website I spotted the above “IMO pictogram” for the Helideck. I just though it was pretty funny, and the genesis of this post.

Perhaps you have noticed a bit more advertising on the various areas. Yes its true, there is a bit more, but hopefully complimentary to the site’s content. I started using an advertising service that caters exclusively to seafarers and other related organization. I am certainly not retiring any time soon because of it, but the meager income does now cover most operational cost of the website – for the first time in 10 years ! But really the decision was also made because the advertising is actually quite relevant and may actually benefit our visitors.

Incidentally, if you are interested in promoting your company or services on – a collection of web spaces dedicated to marine engineering worldwide, you don’t need to sign up with ShipServe specifically. We still offer affordable and accessible tailored advertising solution for you.

For example, proposed something to us, and now, they are our first sponsor for this blog, The Monitor – Thank You. (Look for their link on the right) Its a “small sponsorship spot”, but hey, every little bit goes to pay for web hosting and other fees, and that keeps the site online, free, and chock full of relevant maritime content. For more information just navigate to Martin’s Marine Engineering Page home page, and click on “Advertise”.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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