Classics, but hardly any diesels

After a successful first showing last year, the Montreal Classic Boat Festival is set to return to the picturesque old port area of Montreal. This year, over 50 classic boats will make an appearance for all to enjoy the fine care of a bygone era’s craftsmanship. The founder, and president of the festival is Simon Lebrun, a Master Mariner and Marine Pilot on the St Lawrence River, in Quebec. If you are planning to visit Montreal in late August 2010, why not plan a visit to the show.

Although the majority of the Canadian merchant fleet falls firmly under the “Classic” banner, most will be out earning their keep during this show, but hopefully, the future events will include a vintage laker. Wouldn’t that be something.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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