8 year old boy dies after accident with USCG

A United States Coast Guard stretch defender class boat, commonly known as a 33 footer with five guardsmen on board, slammed into a 24 foot pleasure craft yesterday, Dec 20, just before 18:00hrs. The resulting collision sent five people to hospital; two adults with serious injuries, two children with minor injuries and a third child, an eight year old boy, Anthony Cole DeWeese, died at the hospital, shortly after arriving.

The 13 people aboard the Sea Ray pleasure boat had just finished watching the fireworks in San Diegos harbour, a floating holiday parade was to follow. Media reports say that the father noticed the fast coming USCG at the last minute, and had little time to react, as he estimated the boat doing 30-40 knots. Parade watcher onshore, said the coast guard boat was traveling fast and rapidly changed course, shortly before running into the pleasure craft. The USCG press release state the 33 footer was responding to a vessel grounding at the time.

The NTSB and USCG are investigating the accident. Nobody was thrown in the water as a result and near by 87 footer cutter, Haddock, assisted in the rescue as did private vessels. Both vessels made it back to the dock under their own power, where fire and police aided in the rescue.

You can read more about the accident here and here.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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