Marine Safety Introduces the Regulations Query System

I hope it is easier to navigate then their site !!

As you are aware, the new Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (CSA 2001) came into force on July 1, 2007. The CSA 2001 replaces the old Canada Shipping Act as the enabling legislation governing safety in marine transportation and recreational boating as well as for protection of the marine environment. To facilitate compliance with the CSA 2001, Transport Canada Marine Safety has developed an innovative tool that will help marine stakeholders better understand and follow the new Act and its supporting regulations.

This new tool, called the Regulations Query System (RQS), is a unique, online search engine that allows users to easily obtain up-to-date, relevant information about the CSA 2001 and its regulations.There are two ways to search the RQS for information:

The “Guided Navigation” search feature allows users to select from a list of keywords relative to specific topics, or enter a text search query.

The “Fast Track” search feature allows users to navigate through the CSA 2001 by selecting a combination of search criteria including the vessel type, sub-type, size, voyage classification and topic of interest (e.g. safety, registration, licensing, construction, etc.).
The RQS is now available at:

The “Help” feature in the RQS provides detailed information on how to use the System. If clarification or further information is required however, users can click on the RQS “Contact Us” feature. Should you wish further information concerning the new CSA 2001 regime, please visit the Canadian Marine Advisory Council website ( You can also call toll free 1-866-879-9902, or 613-998-7764 in the National Capital Region

Original Signed By

William J. Nash
Director General / Directeur général
Marine Safety / Sécurité maritime

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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