Transport Canada’s Website from Hell

This is more of a vent.

I have just spent more hours then I care to think, researching Potable Water Guidlines on the site from Hell.
As part of my job, I usually have to do this several times a month on different Regulatory items. As usual it is an exercise in frustration.
Take potable water for instance…it meanders through several different Federal Government sites-all with a different structure and look.
You find a snippet in I think CSA, (I haven’t been able to find it again and I never marked the page) another bit in MOSH which is under the Labour Code, another bit in the Justice Department site: Potable Water Regs for Common Carriers and finally in the Health Canada site:The Multi-Barrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water.

Of course TC links to the other Federal departments, but to their home page which means you have to search through the second site’s pages as well for the required information.

Now that I spent 10 minutes ( Hunt and Peck typing) on the blog, I should get back to the potable water issue.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

2 Responses

  1. I tell you, you are not alone. They are much better in view than they use to be.

    Before you use to find all the info you need it and bookmark it, only to find that a few months later the whole site was changed. Plus of course all the other gov site.

    The government of Canada I think he doing great at putting things online, but i has had many rough drafts. Which was very frustrating.

  2. It is a huge beef in our office.
    Hours are wasted trying to track regulations down. Try calling the local TCMSB office and getting a surveyor for help-they are out running their collective asses off because they are short staffed.
    I urge everyone who runs into this to email TCMSB on their forum and complain.

    Which reminds me, I haven’t answered their email to me in response to my complaint.

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