Cougar Ace Claims Naval Arch’s Life

Salvage crewman who died on listing ship identified
A Seattle-based member of a salvage team who died when he lost his footing while looking at how to stabilize a listing ship in the Aleutian Islands was identified Tuesday.
Marty Johnson, 40, from Issaquah, was an experienced naval architect, according to Crowley Maritime Corp. Crowley owns Titan Salvage, which employed Johnson.
“He was one of these guys that everybody gravitated toward and liked,” said Mark Miller, a company spokesman. “I know our folks are taking this news hard.”
Ed Schlueter, Crowley’s vice president of vessel management services, said Johnson was a nine-year employee who specialized in ship design. He was based at Pier 17 at the Port of Seattle’s Harbor Island.
“He was an all-around perfect person to plan your company around. He was always ready with a compliment and to take on any challenge,” said Schlueter, his supervisor.
“We’re going to miss him. There will be a big hole to fill.”
The salvage team was getting ready to leave the Cougar Ace on Sunday when Johnson slipped and was knocked unconscious. Efforts to revive him aboard the ship failed.
He was flown to a nearby Coast Guard cutter with a surgeon and a clinic, said Coast Guard spokeswoman Sara Francis. However, he was declared dead about an hour later.
Johnson was one of the company’s most experienced naval architects.
He earned a degree from the Webb Institute, a Glen Cove, N.Y., school that specializes in naval architecture and marine engineering.

My symapthies to the familly of Marty Johnson on their terrible loss.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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