Cougar Ace barely hanging on

The Cougar Ace is listing badly, the crew has been evacuated reports from Alaska say. The Mitsui OSK owned ship was enroute from Japan to Vancouver.

Heres the CBC report, and one from the Alaska Report has a picture of the ship – a scary sight. And below is the press release from Mitsui OSK Line.

TOKYO – Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL, President: Akimitsu Ashida) reports that the MOL-operated car carrier Cougar Ace was heavily listed at sea south of the Aleutian Islands on Monday, July 24, outlined as follows:I.

At about 5:00p.m., July 24 (JST), MOL received a report from Cougar Ace laden with completed cars, which was on the voyage from Japan to the west coast of North America. According to the report, the vessel was listing heavily to port and became not under command.

The position was approx. latitude 48 degrees 14 minutes north and longitude 174 degrees 26 minutes west.All 23 crewmembers are confirmed safe, and they have put on immersion suits and are waiting at a safe location onboard for rescue by the US Coast Guard (USCG). Apart from one crewmember who injured a leg, all are in good condition. According to the USCG, the vessel is stable though listed, and besides a small quantity of sheen, no loss of cargo or other items have been observed.2.

The vessel immediately requested USCG to rescue her crew. USCG helicopter is on its way to the scene, and is scheduled to arrive afternoon, July 25 (JST) to rescue those seafarers. At 6:30 p.m., July 24, MOL formed a task force headed by President Ashida for an emergency response.3.

Cause of the Incident
The cause of the incident is currently under investigation.4.

Profile of Cougar Ace
Gross tons: 55,328 tons
Type of vessel: Car carrier
Built: October 1993
Flag : Singapore
Seafarers: 23 in total: 2 Singaporeans, 8 Myanmars, 13 Filipinos

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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