Canada buys Russian nuclear subs

Well ok, not really, but sort of. Probably a better buy than those British diesel jobbies, ehehehe. Those nasty little fires!

The Environmental Foundation Bellona reports, that back in June 2002, in Kananaskis, Canada, at the Group of Eight industrialized nations conference; Canada, along with other countries, pledged 130 million dollars, to properly dispose of Russia’s derelic nuclear submarine fleet. 21.3 million will come as a donation from Canada and fund the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership, or NDEP and is part of a bigger, 1 billion dollars environmental initiative by the Group of 8.

The money is earmarked for the dismantling of 8 Victor III class submarine currently in lay up at the Northern Fleet bases. September 2005 edition of Ships Monthly reports that one sub has already been scrapped at the Zvezdochka Shipyard, while two more was underway.

Check out the Federation of American Scientist website for more info on the Russian Victor Class nuclear powered subs.

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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